As stated in the Media thread, we have more on-set pictures regarding the filming of S6 in Thailand, likely to start the season.
From what we can see in the pictures, it looks like we've got Hondo being held captive by a militia that's making him march through the river. I don't know if the elephant is part of the scene, but I imagine the elephant is (make your "elephant in the room" jokes now, people) because I can't see why the crew would go to all that trouble to bring an elephant to the shoot unless they were using the animal. There's a few people marked as "stunt" people along with the various camera operators and grips.
I'm assuming the man in the red shirt, the man in yellow with the gun (who, upon closer inspection, could be Nutt Devahastin from David Lim's photo) and the man standing beside Hondo with his hand up are all actors appearing in the scene. The man in green looks to be a captive as well, because he's also wearing what I assume is a prop rope that Hondo is also wearing- Hondo has his rope ready for the shot while the other man does not.
So, I'm going to guess that, to start S6, we have Hondo and Nichelle on vacation in Thailand (Rochelle Aytes was in David Lim's on-set photo posted earlier), probably on their honeymoon and, at some point in the episode, either both or just Hondo gets caught in some kind of criminal activity necessitating Thai SWAT and our SWAT heroes to come rescue him. I'm assuming this case has some link to Los Angeles because I'm not sure the LAPD could show up to a foreign country without that link, though I guess just going there to rescue Hondo could be enough.
Now, if that is Nutt in the river with Hondo, there's the possibility that this is an undercover operation and Nutt's character is part of the sting. However, for that to be Nutt in this scene, I have to rectify why he's wearing a yellow shirt in the river with Hondo but, in Lim's picture, he's wearing his official SWAT uniform, while Hondo is wearing the same clothes he had on in the river.
What the case could be about, I don't know. The show either seems to do cases with the drug trade or the weapons trade, although Thailand is also known for being a hotbed for human trafficking. That could be the angle the show plays here, and maybe the man in green (or the man in red) is involved somehow, because I doubt Hondo or Nichelle would hire a prostitute (although, I guess you never know...).
The other question I have is what to make of Hondo in this scene. Lim's picture was the "wrap-up" picture, and Shemar Moore appears in that picture as he does in the scenes in the river, boo boos and all. So likely the river scene- or the one right after it to film SWAT's rescue effort- was the last scene they shot in Thailand before wrapping up. Now, I do know that filming scenes is not necessarily done in order, so I can't say for sure the episode ends with a beaten- physically and mentally- Hondo, but it's sure a curious look.