Remnant 2 may still be in early access, at least for today, but the devs are already listening to player’s issues, and are even rushing out patches (for those on PC) to solve the problems as quickly as possible.
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Today, Gunfire Games did just that again, pushing out a July 24 patch that’s targeted menu performance, bug fixes, and cinematic crashing.
Perhaps most importantly though is the big changes to player voiceovers, which many early Remnant 2 adopters have said is the biggest sticking point with the surprise hit. Voiceovers are usually fun additions that help create an immersive experience for players. But if it’s overdone, and players are on the receiving end of a full-blown novel narration it can ruin their gaming experience, and that’s what has been happening in Remnant 2.
Thankfully, this July 24 patch has toned down the voiceovers. The devs have also fixed some of the other pressing issues, like the cinematic crashes and keys not being awarded, menu UI performance hitches, save’s working incorrectly, going invisible after using a portal, players not receiving the appropriate rewards, and an Epic Games pop-up problem.
Related: In Remnant 2 your choices matter—and I found out the hard way
While it was a small update, these changes, especially the voiceover changes, should help create a more enjoyable Remnant 2 playing experience.
Here’s the full changelist for anyone that wants to read them.
Remnant 2 July 24 patch notes (Build #11777430)
- Toned down the player VO comments.
- Progression Blocker Fix for Labyrinth cinematic crashing and key not being awarded.
- Progression Blocker Fix for exiting out of first lab cinematic and not receiving the zone door keys.
- Progression Blocker Fix for Water Harp lever no longer working
- Progression Blocker Fix where Nightweaver Web would consume items you need for quest puzzles. If an item was consumed it should now be back in your inventory.
- Added fix for performance hitch leaving menu, and irregular bloom that sometimes happened when you exit menu.
- Added fix for starting to link the Epic account and aborting causing the link popup to appear each time you launch the game until you link.
- Added fix for Ultimate Edition players not receiving Gunslinger Engram in game if they didn’t start with Gunslinger.
- Added fix for player possibly becoming invisible when using Labyrinth portal.
- Added fix to prevent host’s save getting changed if they quit out the game while dead and then joined someone else’s game.