She has worked in more than 150 films in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada and Hindi. She was also seen in the Hindi film Milan (1967), starring Sunil Dutt and Nutan. For this, she also won the Filmfare Award for Best Supporting Actress. Many South Indian celebrities took to social media to mourn her death.

Telugu actor Jr NTR took to Twitter and tweeted in Telugu, "She continued as Maharani in the Telugu film industry for almost 30 years. She left an indelible mark on our minds with many memorable films like Gundamma Katha, Missamma and many more diverse characters. May your soul rest in peace. My deepest condolences to Jamuna's family."
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— Jr NTR (@tarak9999) January 27, 2023 Mahesh Babu also shared his condolences and tweeted, "Saddened to hear about the demise of #Jamuna garu. Will fondly remember her for all her iconic roles and her immense contribution to the industry. My condolences to her family and loved ones."Saddened to hear about the demise of #Jamuna garu. Will fondly remember her for all her iconic roles and her immense contribution to the industry. My condolences to her family and loved ones ðÂÂÂÂÂÂ
— Mahesh Babu (@urstrulyMahesh) January 27, 2023
Additionally, Chiranjeevi Konidela tweeted in Telugu, "The news of senior heroine Jamuna passing away is very sad. She is a multi-lingual actress. Though her mother tongue is Kannada, she left an indelible mark in the hearts of Telugu people with many successful films."
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— Chiranjeevi Konidela (@KChiruTweets) January 27, 2023 Jamuna is survived by a son and a daughter. More on: Veteran actress JamunaSHOW COMMENTS