At rank Friendly 2 you will encounter a virtue lock with Nia on Punika: In order to progress, you must first reach 330 in Wisdom and in Kindness.
Why 3 of Same Relic Rapport Gift?
To bypass this lock, you can give Nia 3 of the same relic rapport gift at once. You can find a detailed description here: Lost Ark Nia Rapport Skip.
3 of the same relic rapport gift sound difficult (and expensive), but it isn’t. Linderte Goblet is a relic rapport gift you can easily get three times or more. That makes this item also a good one to do the Lost Ark Nineveh Rapport Skip that requires 5 of the same relic rapport gift.
Linderte Goblet #1: Quest Reward
You will receive one Linderte Goblet as a reward for the quest A Pleasant Aroma on Sublime Isle. The task is to explore the interior of Atalanta Keep. Among other things, a sneak mission awaits you here, in which you must not be killed.

Linderte Goblet #2: Adventurer’s Tome
You get the second Linderte Goblet when you reach 80% in the North Vern Adventurer’s Tome.
Linderte Goblet #3 Relic Rapport Selection Chest
The third Linderte Goblet can be obtained from a Relic Rapport Selection Chest. Three of these chests have already been given away on the following occasions:
- Lost Ark Login Event February/March 2022: Day 15 bonus login reward.
- Lost Ark Login Event March/April 2022: Day 20 bonus login reward.
- Prime Gaming Rewards May 2022: Relic Rapport Pack (containing 1x Relic Rapport Chest, 5 days of Crystalline Aura, and 500 Amethyst Fragments)
If you haven’t opened any of the chests yet, you could of course use all of them for the Nia Rapport Skip and leave out the Adventurer’s Tome or the quest.
