Warzone players looking to instill fear in opponents’ hearts, look no further. We’ve got the sweatiest names for Warzone, and your enemies won’t forget them.
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Years ago, the sweatiest names had “X” on either side and a clan tag to match. Now that players have the ability to change their name on a dime, things have to be a lot more clean. I was once a sweaty gamer—I still am, but I used to be too.
From now on, once an opponent sees your name, they’ll be stealing it. You’ll be the bane of everyone’s Warzone existence and your name will be remembered years after Warzone’s collapse. I’ve done extensive research, and these are the best names I could find.
The Sweatiest Warzone Names

Seeing “Deadshot” appear after my untimely demise would send me into a rage. Upon my death, I would immediately question if this was a DC-related reference and it would make blood gush out of my ears. For one to be “Deadshot”, they must shoot like “Deadshot”—so aim for the head.
The bullet wouldn’t kill me, the name did all the work.
A reference to an earlier Call of Duty title shows your stripes. You’ve gone through each Veteran campaign and likely didn’t die at all (as far as your opponents are aware). While Ghost returned in recent Modern Warfare games, your opponent will never know if you’re referring to the old Ghost or the new one.
The key here is the cringe factor. If your name makes me physically uncomfortable, like “Lethal” does, I’m personally more likely to call you a sweat. This is one of the more sweaty names on this list, and I release this into the Warzone ecosystem knowing I’ll see a Lethal kill me due time.
Related: Best sweaty Fortnite names to use
There’s nothing quite like being killed by someone whose name explains what they just did. Yes, we know you can aim, just don’t rub it in my face. The added “Z” is pretty sharp too.
This name can do multiple things. Killing a player named “Incognito” would bring me immense joy, however, dying at the hands of a player with that name would make me question whether I should play Warzone ever again.
Alas, the perfect balance.
Either you’re referring to your taste in music, or you’re talking about your speed. Both ways are bound to upset players, and you could meet some like-minded fans of Taylor along the way.
At first glance, this might be a difficult read for those not familiar with vowels. “Skxll” provides the perfect blend of sweat and cringe. I’ve been killed by many-a Skull in my Warzone career and with an “X” instead of a vowel? You’ve got my blood boiling.
Not only that, it can even be read as “Skill”. There are just so many layers.
Players with the username “Xotic” haven’t got time to miss, let alone spell their name correctly. This name has stood the test of time, I remember seeing it years ago in my heyday. Now as a veteran, sweaty, gamertag survivor this is the name that gives me flashbacks—and not the good kind.
This name is a double-edged sword. If you’re having a bad game, the name speaks for itself. If you’re on fire, however, players will clench their teeth so hard that their braces meld together. The last thing they’ll say is “Bot” before their teeth explode into powder, and their controller flies into their Lego collection—true story.
Endr says it all. Your opponents will cease to exist, and so will the “e” inside your name. I’ve seen “Endr” on multiple titles and every time, I could smell the sweat dripping from their forehead.
Honorable mentions
These are sure to annoy, but they’re not the worst.
- Blur
- Ace
- Dripz
- Doug
Now you have the sweatiest name possible, make sure you’re using the right weapon with the strongest possible loadout with our guide to Warzone’s best guns.