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There's an old 2e pc for whom potions of longevity have a lot of role-playing tie-in, so I will still have them... They're elixers, which are like better versions of potions... I haven't actually statted them out yet though cuz that character's not active in the campaign I'm currently running, but you'll need brew elixer to make them (a custom feat, allows you to brew potions of up to 6th level spells; prereqs are brew potion, 11th level caster, greater restoration... as a 6th level spell? Hmm... I need to work out some details here...)
Just add a third feat called "Greater Alchemical Creations" that covers spells up to 9th level. It would have the other two as a prerequisite along with a few other items that make it very rare and difficult.
If you did this I would start requiring that potions created from more powerful spells would require exotic material components. Maybe an exiler of longevity requires the brain fluids of a dragon turtle.

Actually, part of the role-playing involved getting the material component for the potion of longevity: the blood of a lich...
Well, I haven't much experience in 2e, but in 1e (showing my age here) the potion of longevity (basically de-aged you 5 years) had the component requirements of A.) a pint of elf blood for the arcane version or B.) The hair of a saint for the devine version. In 1e, they were pretty expensive. If I were to make a 3e version, I would base it off of a fairly high spell, say limited wish. I am not aware of any spell that specifically removes age, but I think a limited wish would do the trick.

Use Time Stop as a Required Spell. Maybe Wish too.
There's actually no need for a custom feat. With Brew Potion and Craft Wondrous Item, you can already make higher level potions, as per Tome and Blood.

i say experience = 1000 x (number of years / 5)
or something like that
Actually there were two potions. A potion of youth would remove years, a potion of longevity would add extra years to your maximum possible age.
Greythax said:
Well, I haven't much experience in 2e, but in 1e (showing my age here) the potion of longevity (basically de-aged you 5 years) had the component requirements of A.) a pint of elf blood for the arcane version or B.) The hair of a saint for the devine version. In 1e, they were pretty expensive. If I were to make a 3e version, I would base it off of a fairly high spell, say limited wish. I am not aware of any spell that specifically removes age, but I think a limited wish would do the trick.Greythax.
Last edited: Jun 3, 2002
rhammer2 said:
Actually there were two potions. A potion of youth would remove years, a potion of longevity would add extra years to your maximum possible age.Nope, from page 123 of the 1e DMG: "A potion of longevity reduces the characters age from 1-12 years on being imbied."
Potion of youth was in unearthed arcana, it did a max of 5 years I think didn't look it up, neither raised maximum age. Only druids could do that.