Editor’s note: “The Spoken Word” is shared by Lloyd Newell each Sunday during the weekly Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square broadcast. This will be given Sunday, July 2, 2023.
Much of the world was at war in 1941, when United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt prepared to give his annual State of the Union Address. As he thought about the fears and concerns of his fellow citizens — concerns shared by many around the world — Roosevelt presented to his speechwriters an idea for the conclusion of his speech. One of the writers remembered the moment this way: “He leaned far back in his swivel chair with his gaze on the ceiling. It was a long pause. … Then he leaned forward again in his chair” and dictated what he wanted to say (see Samuel I. Rosenman in the “FDR and the Four Freedoms Speech,” fdrlibrary.org). It came to be known as the “Four Freedoms Speech.”
Roosevelt declared: “We look forward to a world founded upon four essential human freedoms. The first is freedom of speech and expression — everywhere in the world. The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way. … The third is freedom from want. ... The fourth is freedom from fear” (see Franklin D. Roosevelt, “Message to Congress, 1941,” fdrlibrary.org).
All these years later, we’re still looking forward to the world Roosevelt foresaw. For too many people in the world, those “Four Freedoms” are more a hope than a reality. But hope is a great place to start.

At times when freedom seems fragile, it helps to remember that freedom is always best defended by individuals — each of us doing our part, wherever we live, whatever our circumstances.
Freedom, it is often said, is not free — either to obtain or maintain. And what is the price of freedom? Well, certainly freedom of expression comes with the price of kindness and civility, even toward those who express views we don’t share. The price of freedom of worship must include respect for religions and faiths besides our own. The price of freedom from want includes sacrificing and serving those in need. And the price of freedom from fear surely includes facing our fears with faith and courage.
Freedom is not just a feeling or an institutional pronouncement. Freedom is found in what we do each day, in the efforts and actions of free people: respect, compassion, peacemaking and understanding. It’s true, freedom is not free. But as long as you and I are still willing to pay the price, the future of freedom is bright.
Tuning in …
The “Music & the Spoken Word” broadcast is available on KSL-TV, KSL News Radio 1160AM/102.7FM, KSL.com, BYUtv, BYUradio, Dish and DirecTV, SiriusXM (Ch. 143), tabernaclechoir.org, youtube.com/TheTabernacleChoir and Amazon Alexa (must enable skill). The program is aired live on Sundays at 9:30 a.m. Mountain Time on these outlets. Look up broadcast information by state and city at musicandthespokenword.com/viewers-listeners/airing-schedules.