Final Fantasy XIV Online has swathes of different quests to complete, but the riddle-based The Greatest Story Never Told is easily one of FFXIV’s hardest challenges. Here’s how to complete this perplexing series of events.
Just as with any MMORPG, Final Fantasy XIV Online is packed to bursting with swathes of quests that are designed to test not just your mettle, but your wit and intelligence.
One of these is FFXIV’s ‘The Greatest Story Never Told,’ a riddle-based quest that will send your Warrior of Light on a fun-filled adventure across Eorzea. Characterized by its linguistic and mathematical puzzles, this fiendish test has bested thousands of champions: until now.
Here’s our full breakdown of FFXIV’s The Greatest Story Never told quest, and how to complete each of the game‘s riddles.

FFXIV The Greatest Story Never Told: Start location
This mind-boggling adventure begins in Western Thanalan (coordinates 18,17) at the behest of Valiant Hart.
While it is a Level 1 quest, you will need to have completed The Ultimate Weapon in order to undertake it, so if you’re looking around and can’t quite find it; that’s why!
FFXIV The Greatest Story Never Told: Riddles & locations
The Greatest Story Never Told is a mission characterized by its secrecy. Tasking players to solve a collection of particularly nasty brain teasers, you’ll be sent back and forth across Eorzea’s vast expanses in search of a multitude of long-lost secrets.
It’s important to remember that there are no location markers for this quest; you will have to work out the locations by completing the riddles and ciphers. Additionally, there are multiple different riddle/cipher combinations, but players only receive one. Don’t worry, we’ve got them all below for you in different steps.
Step 1
Upon chatting to Valiant Hart, he will send you outside to have a look at The Silent King statue, where there are some seemingly random words engraved. These are Winebaud’s Message.
- It will be random scrambled letters (in the form a / b / c / d / e / f), followed by FIRE / LIGHTNING / WATER / EARTH / ICE / WIND. You must remember the order of the elements.
Scrambled Letters | Unscrambled | Waypoint |
REN / FLO / SPI / TEL / ‘S / RE | Florentel’s Spire | Coerthas Central Highlands (North Shroud ) |
HO / OSC / BRA / N’S / EM / CE | Oschon’s Embrace | North of Moraby Drydocks (Lower La Noscea) |
AL / TH / SPI / ‘S / RE / TE | Thal’s Respite | Northmost part of Eastern Thanalan near the South Shroud exit (Eastern Thanalan) |
Step 2
Your next adventure begins back at The Silent King statue once more, where you’ll be given another riddle to solve. Again, there is a selection of three, so you’ll only get one.
- “Memenugu knows the steps” (literacy puzzle)
- “Jahelle knows her sums” (numeracy puzzle)
- “Isouda knows the truth” (riddle)
Memenugu (Fesca’s Wash, Central Thanalan)
Memenugu’s puzzle is a literacy one, where you’ll need to use the next letter (so ‘A’ translates to ‘B’) in order to solve the cipher.
Scrambled Letters | Unscrambled | Waypoint |
GNMKNXDC IDZWDMTOHMKZS AQJCFF | Hollowed Heavenspilar Bridge | North Shroud entrance |
AQPMYF KZLD GPS RQQHOFR | Bronze Lake Hot Springs | On the upper level of Camp Bronze Lake (Upper La Noscea) |
GNND NG SGF BNFTQMBKBV | Home Of The Coeurlclaw | Takers’ Rot cave (South Shroud) |
Jahelle (Fallgourd Float, North Shroud)
Jahelle’s is probably the most difficult code to crack. In order to do so, every two numbers equal one letter (’01’ is ‘A’, or ’12’ is ‘L’).
Scrambled Letters | Unscrambled | Waypoint |
260516082518 0418090620 | Zephyr Drift | Middle La Noscea (23,26) |
08051212190218151504 0815120519 | Hellsbrood Holes | Near Cutter’s Cry dungeon (Central Thanalan) |
180504 130114200919 0601121219 | Red Mantis Falls | Eastern Las Noscea (16,27) |
Isouda (Candlekeep Quay, Lower La Noscea)
In order to solve this riddle, you’ll be given more scrambled letters and have to switch them around to make sense. Don’t worry, though; we’ve done it for you. Head to these locations are interact with the ‘???’ to obtain the next clue.
Scrambled Letters | Unscrambled | Waypoint |
ETAG FLOW ETHW | White Wolf Gate | New Gridania |
SCITEHTSEA S’EMIATHSE | Eshtaime’s Aesthetics | Steps of Thal (Ul’dah) |
SEMALF FO LLAH EHT | The Hall of Flames | Steps of Thal (Ul’dah) |

Step 3
Don’t worry! You’re almost there, we promise. As per usual, head back to The Silent King to receive the third piece of this perplexing puzzle.
Scrambled Letters | Unscrambled | Waypoint |
HylLfyr’s cUtthroAts and briGands | Laugh | The tip of the bow of The Astalicia (Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks) |
All foR fen-YLL | Rally | Below the Leatherworker’s Guild (Old Gridania) |
rope ANd wooD aCross thE gully | Dance | The second bridge to the south of Wineport (Eastern La Noscea) |
Under tRanqUilIty’s FoOtpathS | Furious | Beneath the bridge leading south from Camp Tranquil (The Black Shroud) |
cOncealed belah’dian maJestY | Joy | The Invisible City (Eastern Thanalan) |
PulPy, NuTritiOus, And decIDedly DElicious cItruS | Disappointed | Near Summerford Farms (Middle La Noscea) |
sappHires and peaRls, fortUnes Great and Small | Shrug | Stairs between Pearl Lane and Sapphire Exchange (Ul’dah) |
CherIsh the sPinniNg wAter lullaby | Panic | Watermilll in Hyrstmill (North Shroud) |
red ligHt amidst the blUe Haze | Huh | On a torch near the top of the castle wall ( Northern Thanalan) |
Step 4
Did we say you were nearly done? Really, we mean it, we’re getting there. This is the last step on your seemingly endless journey and, of course, it begins with The Silent King.
- The ‘?’ and ‘?’ will be two different letters; note these down
- Gridania – Parsemontret (Old Gridania)
- Limsa Lominsa – Swozblaet (Lower Decks)
- Ul’dah – Seseroga (Steps of Thal)
- A full breakdown of the mathematical side is here, but the answer is SWORD + SWORD = DAGGER; 78321 + 78321 = 156642
Code | Item |
G of R | Fluorite Earrings |
G of O | Malachite Earrings |
G of A | Sunstone Earrings |
S of R | Fluorite Ring |
S of O | Malachite Ring |
S of A | Sunstone Ring |
W of R | Fluorite Bracelet |
W of O | Malachite Bracelet |
W of A | Sunstone Bracelet |
So that’s how to complete FFXIV’s most convoluted quest: The Greatest Story Never Told. Looking to etch your name into Eorzea’s history (after that you’ve earned it)? Check out our other FFXIV guides.
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